Monday, December 7, 2015


READ:  Joshua 14:6-15
If anyone serves, they should
do so with the strength God
provides, so that in all things
God may be praised through
Jesus Christ. - 1 Peter 4:11
Madaleno is a bricklayer.  From Monday to Thursday he builds walls and repairs roofs.  He is quiet, reliable, and hardworking.  Then from Friday to Sunday he goes up to the mountains to teach the Word of God.  Madaleno speaks Nahuatl (a Mexican dialect), so he can easily communicate the good news of Jesus to the people in that region.  At age 70, he still works with his hands building houses, but he also works to build the family of God.
His life has been threatened several times.  He has slept under the stars and faced death from car accidents and falls.  He has been kicked out of towns.  But he thinks that God has called him to do what he does, and he serves happily.  Believing that people need to know the Lord, he relies on God for the strength he needs.
Madaleno’s faithfulness reminds me of the faithfulness of Caleb and Joshua, two of the men Moses sent to explore the Promised Land and report back to the Israelites (Numbers 13; Joshua 14:6-13).  Their companions were afraid of the people who lived there, but Caleb and Joshua trusted in God and believed He would help them conquer the land.
The work entrusted to us may be different than Madaleno’s or Caleb’s and Joshua’s.  But our confidence can be the same.  In reaching out to others, we rely not on ourselves but on the strength of our God.                                       KEILA OCHOA
Where has God placed you to serve?  Are you being faithful?
We grow strong when we serve the Lord.
Discipleship has been called “a long obedience in the same direction.”  The point is not how much we have done, but whether or not we have been faithful to our Lord.  Caleb was faithful for 45 years in the wilderness.  When Christ returns, our faithfulness will be rewarded when we hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).  
                                                                             J.R. HUDBERG
Have a blessed night and week ahead.
God Our Creator’s Love Always.

Unity & Peace

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