Monday, March 21, 2016



READ:  Ephesians 5:1-16

Live as children of light.
Ephesians 5:8

I know better, but I still keep trying.  The instructions on the label are clear:  “Needs full sun.”  Our yard has mostly shade.  It is not suitable for plants that need full sun.  But I like the plant.  I like its color, the shape of the leaves, the size, the scent.  So I buy it, bring it home, plant it and take really good care of it.  But the plant is not happy at my house.  My care and attention are not enough.  It needs sunlight, which I cannot provide.  I thought I could make up for lack of light by giving the plant some other kind of attention.  But it doesn’t work that way.  Plants need what they need.

And so do people.  Although we can survive for a while in less-than-ideal conditions, we can’t thrive.  In addition to our basic physical needs, we also have spiritual needs that can’t be met by any substitute.

Scripture says that believers are children of light.  This means that we need to live in the full light of God’s presence to thrive (Psalm 89:15).  If we try to live in darkness, we will produce nothing but “fruitless deeds” (SEE Ephesians 5:3-4, 11).  But if we are living in the light of Jesus, the Light of the world, we will produce the fruits of His light, which is good, faithful, and true.  


Dear Lord, thank You for redeeming me and giving me new life.  Help me to live as a child of the Light.

Children of the Light walk in His light.

One of the great things about light is that it allows us to see where we are going.  As believers in Christ, we are “children of light,” and we can clearly see the way we are to walk.  Those in spiritual darkness stumble and fall.  It is no simple turn of phrase that following Jesus is called “walking in the light.”  


Have a blessed night.
God Our Creator’s Love Always.

Unity & Peace

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