Wednesday, March 16, 2016



READ:  Matthew 6:25-34

Your heavenly Father feeds [the
birds of the air].  Are you not much
more valuable than they?  Matthew 6:26

Year ago I had an office in Boston that looked out on the Granary Burying Ground where many prominent American heroes are buried.  There one can find the gravestones for John Hancock and Samuel Adams, two signers of the Declaration of Independence, and just a few feet beyond that is Paul Revere’s marker.

But no one really knows where in this burial ground each body is buried because the stones have been moved many times-sometimes to make the grounds more picturesque and other times so lawn mowers could fit between them.  And while the Granary features approximately 2,300 markers, closer to 5,000 people are buried there!  Even in death it seems, some people are not fully known.

There may be times when we feel as if we are like those unmarked residents of the Granary, unknown and unseen.  Loneliness can make us feel unseen by others-and maybe even by God.  But we must remind ourselves that even though we may feel forgotten by our Creator God, we are not.  God not only made us in His image (Genesis 1:26-27), but He also values each of us individually and sent His Son to save us (John 3:16).

Even in our darkest hours, we can rest in the knowledge we are never alone, for our loving God is with us.  


Thank You, Lord, that You never leave me alone and that You know all about me.  Make me aware of Your presence so I may share that comfort with others who are feeling along too.

We are important because God loves us.

The Sermon on the Mount is all about the life of those who are part of God’s kingdom.  One of the characteristics of our heavenly Father is that He is our great provider-a fact that Jesus emphasizes in today’s text.  He describes the extent to which the Father goes to provide for His children.  But what is most important is that this provision is not in response to our obedience or because we deserve it-it is because of our value to God (Matthew 6:26).  BILL CROWDER

Have a blessed night.

God Our Creator’s Love Always.

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