Saturday, October 20, 2018


When a boxer is training for a fight, he/she has a strict regimen they follow. They have to run to make sure their wind is right. They have to lift to build their physical armor. The have to watch film on their opponent and come up with a game plan to win the fight but all of that goes out of the window if they don't follow a proper nutrition plan. That nourishment is what gives them energy to run. That nourishment is what gives them the energy to lift. That nourishment is what gives them the energy to physically compete in the ring whether it be in training or on fight night. Without that nourishment, how could they compete? Our walk with God is very similar to a boxer in training. Life is your fight, the world is your boxing ring and every trial and tribulation you may encounter is just another round. You only get knocked out the minute you drop your guard and quit fighting but without proper nutrition, we have no chance. Reading the Bible only on Sundays is no different than eating 1 meal a week. If you only ate once a week, you wouldn't be able to fight anyone so how do you expect to fight any spiritual battles if you're spiritually malnourished? Indulge in The Word daily and give yourself a chance to win the fight. Your soul is starving, it's time to eat .”
~Mahala Wiggins~

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