Monday, October 26, 2015



READ:  Psalm 119:9-16

I have hidden your word 
in my heart. Psalm 119:11

I’m getting used to reading digital magazines, and I feel good that I’m saving trees.  Plus, I don’t have to wait for the magazines to come in the mail.  I do, however, miss the print editions because I like to run my fingers through the glossy pages and cut out my favorite recipes.

I also have a digital edition of the Bible on my reading device.  But I still have my favorite printed Bible-the one I have underlined and read many times.  We don’t know the future of the printed page, but one thing we do know:  The best place for God’s Word is not on our cell phones, electronic reading devices, or bedside table.

In Psalm 119 we read about treasuring the Scriptures in our hearts:  “I have hidden your word in my heart”(v.11).  Nothing compares to pondering God’s Word, learning more of Him, and putting it into practice in our daily lives.  The best place for His Word lies deep in our souls.

We may have many excuses for not reading, meditating, or memorizing, but we need God’s Word.  I pray that God will help us store His Word in the best place possible-our hearts.                                 KEILA OCHOA 

Lord, give me the desire to read Your Word.  Then implant it in my heart and thoughts and help me live it out.

The best place for God’s Word is our hearts.

Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible, celebrating God’s law and its importance.  Today’s passage is one of the most well known in Scripture.  Verse 11 is often quoted and memorized and spells out the outcome of knowing the Bible:  “I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you.”  Having knowledge about God is not enough.  Knowing and meditating on God’s law is what leads to changed behavior.                                 J.R. HUDBERG

Have a blessed night.
God Our Creator’s Love Always.
Unity & Peace

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