Fully Known
Before I formed you . . . I knew you.
Jeremiah 1:5
“You shouldn’t be here right now. Someone up there was looking out for you,” the tow truck driver told my mother after he had pulled her car from the edge of a steep mountain ravine and studied the tire tracks leading up to the wreck. Mom was pregnant with me at the time. As I grew, she often recounted the story of how God saved both our lives that day, and she assured me that God valued me even before I was born.
None of us escape our omniscient (all-knowing) Creator’s notice. More than 2,500 years ago He told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5). God knows us more intimately than any person ever could and is able to give our lives purpose and meaning unlike any other. He not only formed us through His wisdom and power, but He also sustains every moment of our existence—including the personal details that occur every moment without our awareness: from the beating of our hearts to the intricate functioning of our brains. Reflecting on how our heavenly Father holds together every aspect of our existence, David exclaimed, “How precious to me are your thoughts, God!” (Psalm 139:17).
God is closer to us than our last breath. He made us, knows us, and loves us, and He’s ever worthy of our worship and praise.
By James Banks
You’re amazing, God! Thank You for holding me up and getting me through every moment of the day.
For what aspect of God’s care would you like to praise Him this moment? How can you encourage someone with the thought that He cares for them today?

Scripture records God speaking directly to only a few people; for example, Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden (Genesis 1-3), Abram (ch. 12), Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3) and on Mount Sinai (ch. 31), and Elijah on Mount Horeb/Sinai (1 Kings 19). He also spoke directly to the prophets who wrote the prophetic books of the Old Testament. The phrase “the word of the Lord came to me” or “this is what the Lord says” is found throughout most of the prophetic books (see Jeremiah 1:4). When God speaks, He reveals something of Himself. In Jeremiah 1:1-8, He reveals Himself as creator (v. 5), director (v. 7), and rescuer (v. 8). We learn who God is through His own self-revelation. J.R. Hudberg
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