Islam came about in 600 A.D. Islam is all about invading.
The pre-Islamic Arabs were
polytheist but Muhammad introduces a strict form of monotheist.
Muhammad started speaking
against the other gods.
In the Arabian Peninsula
early Islam was spread mainly by jihad. It was practiced only is Saudi
Arabia. After Muhammad died in 632 AD in less than 100
years different territories were
a. In Mecca there was no retaliation to
people who didn’t accept Islam.
b. The people received their first
instructions in Medina. Defensive
fighting was permitted. They had
permission to now defend themselves.
the people received revised instructions in Medina. They were now commanded to fight to defend
d. After the Muslims conquered Mecca, they
were ordered to war against anyone that didn’t accept Islam. They were to kill the pagans and humble the
Christians and Jews.
To the Muslims, Islam is a
religion. To them it’s their
government. They believe in violence and
they are very
aggressive. They are soldiers and their
mentality is war all the time.
Islam is a movement, culture and civilization. All in the Muslim culture/lands you have
mosques everywhere. They teach Muslims several things just to name a few: 1)
Religion, 3) Social, 4)Military, 5) Economical, 6)
Legislation (Shari’a Law), 7)
Education, etc.
The mosque is the place
where a Muslim learns about Islam.
To the western world
religion means being moral. We are
people trying to be good and do the
right thing.
Islam consist of two types
of war:
have the outward war which is jihad (The spirit of Islam)
you have the inward war which is accomdating and adjusting to the west and
modern ways but keeping in mind returning back to the
traditional approach of Islam.
They send in their missionaries, in disguised of course and they
mingle with the people
until they have power to speak then they strike spreading Islam.
***What they say is not what it is?***
There is nothing but
deception, a mirage on their side.
Islam is at war with
anyone who opposes the Islamic faith.
In Islam jihad means the
Muslims are to fight in the way of Allah so they can establish a just
system that will upon the
laws of the Shari’a. This jihad
aids the Islamic missions for the
reversion (conversion) of people to bring them back to Allah’s
fold by force or voluntarily.
People are to embrace
Islam or pay the consequences.
Da’wa is the mission call all Muslims are to
participate in. IT involves their
participation by
tongue, finances,
themselves, migration and even taking part in war to personally engage the
Muslims believe through
their teaching of Islam this is the only true way to return and restore
mankind to Allah’s fold.
The first wave of
Islamization was between 632-750
under the first four caliphs after
Muhammad’s death- Abu
Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali under their Ummayad successors.
They spread Islam over
land and sea. These confrontations were
between Muslims and
The second wave of
Islamization involved confrontations with the Turks. To most people Islam
seemed to be another
Jewish or Christian heresy among other people which happened to
emerge in those troubled
times of religious wars but people found out later that it was much
more. Islam was forced on people and spread by the
sword if you didn’t accept (jihad).
In the Quran the Sword
verses is viewed as an abrogater (nullifier)
of all instructions for peace
toward others in the rest
of these verses.
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